Our disconnect from nature and our own humanity has hit a critical point.

The rate of anxiety in society is rapidly increasing even though our basic needs are easily met now more than ever before in human history.
We turn on the tap and have clean drinking water, we go to the store and choose from foods grown around the whole planet. We literally have all the information in the world at our finger tips. 
The question is what are you doing with it?

There is a point one reaches in life when it takes much more energy to remain small than it does to shine.

Stop hiding your light.

The world is begging for balance and it is our responsibility to rise to the occasion and step into leadership in our lives, our families lives and lives of our community.


There is an epidemic happening. People can no longer ignore the little voice inside themselves, the one we have all been conditioned to tune ouT because it has started screaming:


For some, it is a quiet yet always pervasive fear of eminent doom. For others, it is a deep, loving desire to make sure their children will be ok in the future. For some people, it shows up blatantly in their face as the unhealthy relationships they continue to allow themselves to be in because of their own lack of self-love.
One thing is clear.

Nothing changes until you do.

At age 17, due to a traumatic life event, I was forced to ask big questions like, why am I here and what does it mean to be human? I realized that the story my culture was telling me about the human experience was not the whole story.

After some years of searching, I found myself led to the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at NYU where I majored in Consciousness and Human Evolution. It was deep in the library of New York University that I found my first teachings of Kabbalah and the Great Mystery that is our Universe. 

Finally, I saw firsthand that others also knew there was more being alive than simply fitting into a system that sought to control them. There was a vast wealth of knowledge beyond anything my society taught me or even discussed. Once I found that out, I became obsessed.

At 22, I traveled to the Amazon to study with a curandera, a medicine woman, who showed me that plants have their own wisdom and consciousness. She taught me that Nature is alive and aware and able to communicate with those who develop the ability to listen.

A few years later, I made my first trip  to India (one of many) to learn the Vedic wisdoms, explore their sacred temples and sit at the feet of the Guru.

I've learned from an African Shaman who told me stories of how to conjure the wind, quell the rain and connect to the cosmos for ultimate alignment.

In a desperate attempt to find safety and fulfillment (the way my culture taught me) I made my million dollars, the million dollars that I told myself would solve all my problems and make me eternally happy. It didn’t. Instead, it brought me deeper into my unresolved wounds. It smacked me straight in the face with the delusions of our current society and the rampant trance of the money dance.

Now, my passion is to share what I have learned and embodied so others may alleviate their suffering, step into self-mastery, and help the human species return to its proper place as the guardians of this gorgeous planet.


B.A in COnsciousness and hUman Evolution (NYU)
Advanced energy healer 
esoteric ARts
Spiritual Alchemy
Metaphysical Practices


is a 3 month sacred container created to catapult your life into the next dimension. I’m not joking. Together we will revolutionize your life by calling you into your power and holding you accountable to yourself because we love you. YEAY!


Live your life purpose… on purpose.
Access the infinite resources available to you when you choose to show up fully to life.
Eliminate fears and doubts currently holding you back.
Align your energy with higher cosmic forces and intelligence.
Elegantly resolve conflict with grace by embodying harmony within yourself.

You enter when you are ready to:

more energy because you are magnetizing it from the universe.

More time because you are clear on your priorities and create boundaries to protect them.

More money and resources because you will know how to draw it in using clear vision.

increased synchronicities and support in your life so that you are not always doing the heavy lifting alone.

more effective COMMUNICATion with yourself, others and the universe.

THE confidence to fully embrace your dreams and feel worthy enough to live them NOw.

most importantly, you will choose to show up for yourself and in doing so, inspire others to show up as well.


Who is eager to utilize the sacred teachings of universal alignment in the process of creating their life.
Who is determined to access their full power and more effectively embody a deeper understanding of manifestation and leadership.
Who has already dedicated time and resources to their personal and spiritual development and is ready to elevate to the next level because they know there is more.
Who is willing to live in their magic full time - amplifying their magnetism and shine!

This class is designed for the person who desires to create their life consciously. Who wants real change and is ready to make a bigger impact in the lives of the people and the world around them.

“Working with Naada has been one of the most important and valuable things I have ever done…”

Jamie Cook Simon, Artist and Full Time Mother

“Naada facilitates in tapping you into the purity of your essence and helps you extract all the goodness and brilliance that already exists, amplifying it.”

Kriztina Danials - Healer

“I don’t know that there is one word to describe what Naada does: it’s coaching, it’s spiritual healing, it’s energy work, it's body connectiveness, it’s biofeedback and a greater sense of self awareness all rolled into one."

Elizabeth Boykewich – Senior VP of Casting and Talent at Freeform/ABC Family/The Walt Disney Company



45 min opening session where we will SET YOUR INTENTION AND create an energetic GRID that holds and energizes you during our 3 months together.

45 min closing session to anchor in all of your transformation and send you into your new life with purpose and plan.

THree 75 min one-on-one private sessions with ME - 1 each month

6 MODULES (REleased every other week) -  the fouNdations of LIVING iN POWER

Know Thyself PDF’s to support deeper inquiry and alignment. 

Downlaodable meditations made to take on the go and listen to daily - to reinforce each MODULE's content. 

Sadhana Vault with Meditation and breath work Lessons



+ free access to my monthly energy healing group for the duration of your time in "in power."

We can do all the inner work and self-contemplation we like on ourselves but until we understand how our disempowerment fits into the bigger picture of cultural conditioning we will not truly break free from its constraints.

Learning how to manifest and energize our Life consciously is essential in becoming a fully activated human.


It will continue to hold us back in sneaky ways we don’t even realize.
The other thing that can get in our way when we pursue a spiritual path - the path we walk MUST BE GROUNDED.
If we are using our spirituality as an escape from the “real” world rather than to become more fully a part of it, we will always feel un-whole and therefore unfulfilled.
If there are no boundaries to contain energy, it dissipates and does not condense into form... it doesn’t matter. Get it?



Get crystal clear on who you are and why you came to planet earth.

Receive monthly private coaching sessions to clear old, stagnant programs and tap into a greater energy source to fuel your vision

Create a solid plan to bring your vision iNto physical reality.

Get SUPER SUPER RICH! Actually...that was just a trap to get you to see how conditioned you are by money. This course explains creation BEYOND MONEY. 

Be so FUCKING HAPPY you came along for this journey.


Over the last 22 years, I’ve Learned a lot.  IN POWER, contains the best of it all. I’ve included everything I’d want in an immersive learning experience... Meditations, fun videos, PDF’s to guide your journaling into a powerhouse practice, breath work and mystical knowledge.

You will…

Whatever it is that is bothering you, your pain, be it physical, mental or emotional, it won’t go away until you get clear and take action to change it.

You will become a different person when you start to show up differently in your thoughts, choices and behaviors.






NOW is the only time that exists.

This is best now

This is best now

It's THE SAME with anything you learn to master. 
Like learning how to read, write or ride a bike... what starts as a struggle eventually becomes so innate you don’t even remember not being able to do it in the first place.
That is how life transforms.

It's simple. No one can make the changes or do the work for you. You have to want it and deeply desire the outcome, show up, do the work and allow the process to transform your life.